
Saturday, October 19, 2013

When Children Grow Up

     I miss children's shows like Mr. Dressup, Sesame Street, Theodor Tugboat, Puzzle Place, and most definitely Dig, and Doug, and Daisy.
     I miss all those wonderful, silly, annoyingly repetitive, upbeat, super exaggerated children's songs.
     I miss preschool rhymes, alphabet and number songs, children's poems, children's books....
     I miss the smell of new school materials that just arrived in boxes via UPS.
     I miss seeing my children's faces when the new books arrived, when they first got their hands on their new workbooks, the way their eyes lit up, the big smile on their faces, and sometimes the jumping up and down when it was everything they had hoped for or even more.
     I miss braiding my girls long hair and styling my son's hair just so with gel.
     I miss children's shampoos, children's bubble bath bottles, rubber duckies in the tub.
     I miss wrapping the children in towels after their bath, carrying them so they wouldn't slip to their room to get dressed. I miss them wiggling out of the towel and run away naked so we'd have to chase them down to get them dressed.
     I miss reading classic poems and bedtime stories to them. 
     I miss giving them their snack during recess, preparing lunch for them while they were finishing some school work, having them help me make dinner. 
     I miss school-free Fridays, which were sleep in, clean up, bake and TV days. 
     I miss 5 o'clock dinners with Full House playing on the TV.
     I miss hearing the every day hour and half to two hour practice time of piano and violin. 

     I don't miss the countless nights in dark Hospital rooms and overfilled emergency rooms, fearing for a life so fragile and so young, not knowing whether those little innocent eyes would see another day. 
     Although I don't miss those times, I do treasure them as well, as God was never closer than in those darkest hours.

     My children will always be my children, no matter how old they get. And as much as I miss and cherish those younger years, I treasure them now as I did then. God gave them to me to love and care for them. For that I will be forever grateful to Him, for children are a blessing from God.

     I love you, my treasures. May God's blessing be forever upon you.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Behind the Curtain

Three grand-babies up in Heaven - none down here to hold. 
To those around me I'm just being silly when I call myself "Oma". But very few know the reality - 
I am Grandma...with no Grandchild to spoil.

To everyone's naked eye I am Mother of three - deep down in my heart I treasure being Mother of four.

Like so many of you, I've lost my Mother, my child, my grand-babies. 

Some losses are big and visible to those around us. They bring encouraging words, comforting hugs, flowers, many cards written in love.

Some losses are big and hidden inside our hearts, hard to explain, hard to voice - no flowers, no cards, no memorials...

God knows all our losses, public and hidden; His words of comfort and encouragement reach deep inside our soul - deep inside where our treasures are hidden. 

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Dee Wundamedezin

von Karharina Fast

    Desse Nacht schiend sich mol wada endloos hea to tratje. Etj dreihd mie von eene Sied noh dee aundre, oba dee Weehdoag enn miene Schullre en dee Allboages piesakte mie soo seea, daut uck dee groote Portioon von Ibuprofen en dee vele Schmerzpflausta nich holpe! Aun Schlop we eenfach nich to dentje! Aus etj dan verrem Sonnenopgang schliesslich enn eenem korten Schlop foll, tjlinjad de Watja. Etj schratjd, aus eene Besopne opp. 

   Noch haulf em Schlop stratjd etj miene Haunt ut, omm dee Portioon Pelle, dee etj jieden Morje jeajen den hogen Blootdruck, de Schilddruese en aundre Krankheite ennehme mott, to schlucke. Doch aus etj daut Glaus Wota nauhm, omm de Pelle leichta nunja to tjrieje - floch mie daut ute Haunt, wiels dee mol wada ennjeschlope we. Etj flehtjd enne Jedanke, stehnd en tjweld mie, miene stiewe Jlieda utem Bad rut to tjrieje, omm mie to dee Oabeit reed to moake. Etj feehld mie soo, aus wan eene Kooh de gaunze Nacht lang opp mie rommjekaut haud en schliesslich utspejd, wiels ahr disse oole Kost em Moage nich vedaue kunn. Een Blitj ennem Spejel verod mie, daut etj kratjt soo utleet, aus etj mie feehld: Unjre Oge lage dunkle, meist schwoate Schautes, de Tronesatj haude soo to saje noch de tweede Sautz Tronesatj jetjreaje, de Kraujefeet were noch deepa jeworde en miene Mulwintjel honge noh Unje, aus bie eine Bulldogge, ewre Backe trocke sich lange Tjnettafolde, de Jesechtsfoaw kunn maun mett eenem eensjen Wot beschriewe - auschgrau!


 Etj vesocht mett vel Spachtel en Foaw miene vom langsamen Vefaul jezeichnete Fassade een bet aunseehnlicha to moake, doamett etj mie weinichstens unjre Mensche tjitje lote kunn. Etj vesocht soo to saje rade waut noch to rade jintj. Oba woo heet it doch soo scheen em Voltjsmul? Ne oole Kebes blifft eene oole Kebes, uck wan du dee noch soo straum aunkaultjst! Etj musst mie mett dem Erjewnis von miene Buoabeide toofred jewe en mie porre to dee Oabeit to kome, wiels etj we aul lot draun. 

   Aus eschtet hol etj ve jeweehnlich de Zeitunge vonnem Zeitungsveloag auf, doamett etj daut wichtijste doa rutkopiere en dem Chef per E-Mail schetje

kaun. Etj we lot draun en doaweajen porrd etj mie ziemlich. Aus etj derchem Staudtzentrum jinjt, moatjd etj, daut eene Grupp Buoabeida vonne Sied opp mie tookaum. Etj regestried dens kort mett eenem Og en porrd mie wieda to kome. Opp eemol hed etj hinja mie een leiset Piepre. Em eschte Moment schentjd etj dem noch tjeene Oppmoatjsaumtjeit, doch aus etj dan een tweedet Piepre en nohdem fots een mett Aufsecht jetjweldet Hooste hed - huschd een leichtet Jrinse ewa miene Leppe. Daut erinnad mie to seea aun mienen Maun. Onnbewusst fankt hee naemlich uck emma aun to piepre, wan hee eene straume Fru hinjaraunglotzt. 

   Neuzheli piepe dee mie hinjahea? Lat it mie doch noch nich soo vetjneddat, aus etj mie veakaum? Etj spead, woo mien Ridje sich noh hinje derchboch en utstratjd, dee Kopp onnbewusst noh hinje schloch, en dee Gang fadernda en leichta wort. 

   Dee Mana jinje emma noch hinja mie hea en hede nich opp to piepre en to hooste. Etj jintj opprecht, ohne mie ommtodreihe, wieda. 

   Juhuu, etj sie noch nich oolt! - jubeld etj bennalich! Dreih die bloos nich omm, - fuhr it mie derchem Kopp, - doamett dee nich seehne, woo oolt du wertjlich best. Mie kaum ennem Kopp, woo mien Sehn opp miene Froag "Woo etj vondoag utlot" netjsch auntwode deed: - Von hinje noch gaunz straum.

   Mien tweeda Jedanke we: "Diss korta Rock en dee hoge Tufli sent mol wertjlich eene jelungene Jeldaunloag jewese! Jo, maun kaun saje, fe daut Wunda, daut dee scheene to vebrinje - we daut doatoo soogoa noch een Schnaeptje! 

   Endlich, bie onsem Kentooa aunjekome, dreihd etj mie mett eenem sarkastischen Schmustre oppe Leppe haustich omm. Aus etj enne vedutzte Manajesechta tjitjd - zwintjad etj dens kokett too, schmeet dem Kopp noh hinje en veschwunk mett eenem lostjen Tjichre hinjre Dea. 

   Dee Oabeit jinjt mie den gaunzen Dach ewa bloos soo vonne Henj, etj feehld mie opp eemol nich meea oolt en utjemoltje, miene Jelentje deede uck nich meea soo weeh - etj spead, daut etj soogoa, wan it senne mott, enne Loag we, soo aus enne junge Joahre, dee gaunze Nacht derchtodaunze! 

   Wott, waut een tjraftja Schuss von Adrenalin moakt, docht etj, aus etj jeajen Owent emma noch schmerzfrie vonna Oabeit noh Hus jinj. 

   - Vleicht sull etj, aunstaut dee vele Pelle to schlucke, leewa jieden Morje bie eene Busted vebie gohne, omm mie fots aum Dachaunfank miene Porz Wundamedizin to hole? - Sennd etj noh. Daut ess bestemmt vel jesunda, aus dee vele Pelle, dee etj jieden Dach schlucke doo en doavon woat maun bestemmt nich Tabletensechtich. 

   - Ooada doch? - mald sich dee tjliena skeptischa Ploagjeist, dee sich faust enn mienem Jehirn ennjenast haft. Aul vele Joahre vesetj etj daut Beest vejewlich ut mien Jehirn ruttotjrieje. 

   - Waut ess, wan daut Velange noh bewunderndem Piepre vonne Buoabeida fe die to ne Sucht woat, en du nich meea ohne dissem Piepre lewe kaunst? Du woascht je schliesslich, woo du daut secha selwst jieda Dach bemoatjst, nich jinja - jrinsd mien Ploagjeist mie haemisch aun. - Woomeajlich mottst du dan soogoa noch eene Suchttherapie moake? 

   Miene Schullre sackde noh unje en fonge furchtboa aun weeh to doone, de Feet vesajde, daut Hoat pompd lud aus eene oole Daumpmeschien, de Blootdruck stech jefearlich hoch, etj schnaupd noh Loft en sackd aus een Sack Edschke oppem Divan toop... 

   Een Dievelstjreis... 

   Een Joah lota... 

Enn onse Gauss en enne Nohbaschgausse woare dee Wotaleitinje en dee Weaj nie jemoakt. Von dem jespoaden Jelt fe nich jekoffte Pelle hab etj mie een niejet straumet Tjleet en Tufli mett seea hoge Aufsata (high heels) jekofft. Eene kloke Jeldaunloag! 

   Soo lang it enn Dietschlaunt Bustede jefft, bruck etj mie omm miene Jesundheit tjeene Sorje moake!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

Mennonite Girls Can Cook: Celebrations Book Giveaway

Mennonite Girls Can Cook: Celebrations Book Giveaway: Hello Friends! We are very excited to announce that our new book Celebrations due to be published May 2 is now available for preor...